Invisible body.series

Master of Fine Arts
Painting Practice and Theory
The body color of skin
Body intervention transmedia sculpture
Mixed medium
"Invisible body" series is about the body of work, also is a kind of extension of my body, from the media, I hope the effect of the works presented in keep body shape is hints at the same time, express a kind of cross media's position, the medium is not material to work, but the multiplicity of the medium, the relationship between uncertainty and it contains attributes.
  • The invisible Body .series manuscript "Invisible body" series is about the body of work, also is a kind of extension of my body, from the media, I hope the effect of the works presented in keep body shape is hints at the same time, express a kind of cross media's position, the medium is not material to work, but the multiplicity of the medium, the relationship between uncertainty and it contains attributes.
  • Invisible body.series "The invisible Body series manuscript is about the body of work, also is a kind of extension of my body, from the media, I hope the effect of the works presented in keep body shape is hints at the same time, express a kind of cross media's position, the medium is not material to work, but the multiplicity of the medium, the relationship between uncertainty and it contains attributes.